Our community-focused mission

Communities are at the center of our lives. Many of our faculty, staff, students, and trainees engage in local, national, and international level research, outreach and engagement initiatives to reduce health inequities in our diverse communities. We do so by utilizing the most innovative and impactful strategies and culturally grounded community-based participatory methods, arriving at solutions that stem from within our communities themselves. We hope you join us, as together with our diverse communities’ we develop creative and precise solutions to emerging and persistent public health problems our society faces today.

Lourdes Baezconde Garbanati, PhD, MPH
Associate Dean for Community Initiatives
Distinguished Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences
Lourdes Baezconde Garbanati, PhD


Rosa Barahona

Program Administrator

Community Toolkit

Explore and utilize community resources, programs and tools that our faculty are affiliated with.

Support Us

The Department of Population and Public Health Sciences aims for nothing short of revolutionizing human health. However, it is only through the support and commitment of our philanthropic partners that we will succeed in our mission. Your support will provide vital funding to ensure that we can continue to conduct lifesaving research while preparing students and trainees to lead the field.

We invite you to join us in our mission by learning more about how you can support our department and work.