
In California, there are many unique and diverse Tribal communities, and this project aimed to understand the retail environment by reaching retailers who sold commercially available tobacco products (i.e., cigarettes, chew/dip, cigars, electronic cigarettes/vapes) on or nearby Tribal lands (within a one-mile radius).

Retailers included convenience stores with or without a gas station, grocery stores, tobacco shops, Tribal casinos that sold commercial tobacco, and liquor stores. Tribal retailers included these store types on Tribal lands, and off-Tribal retailers included these store types in nearby proximity to Tribal lands.

This work was made possible by funds from the USC Tobacco Center for Regulatory Sciences in Vulnerable Populations (Pentz/Samet) Project 2 “Maximizing Retailers’ Responsiveness to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulatory Authority in Vulnerable Communities” (Baezconde-Garbanati), grant number P50-CA-180905-01 from the National Cancer Institute and the FDA Center of Tobacco Products (CTP). 


Claradina Soto, PhD, MPH (she/her)

Tribal affiliations:
Navajo/Jemez Pueblo

Associate Professor of Clinical Population and Public Health Sciences