
Challenges around collaboration between state/local entities and American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) Tribal nations and Tribal/Urban Indian organizations are common nationwide and span many areas of work. Seeking to learn more about and address some of these challenges, the USC Keck School of Medicine will carry out a project to explore and address some of these challenges as they relate to substance use disorder/opioid use disorder in California.

This project includes two parts:

Part 1 is focused on conducting a needs assessment through key informant interviews with stakeholders to gather information on state, local, and Tribal partnership and collaboration within California.

In Part 2, the USC team will develop and implement a plan to address some of the challenges and needs identified in Part 1. This may include hosting meetings (e.g., collaborative meetings with state, local, and Tribal partners to further partnership, understanding, and connection) or providing training to state/local staff on topics such as unique Tribal considerations (e.g., sovereignty, funding mechanism, health system) and working effectively with Tribal nations and/or Tribal citizens.


Claradina Soto, PhD, MPH (she/her)

Tribal affiliations:
Navajo/Jemez Pueblo

Associate Professor of Clinical Population and Public Health Sciences