
The Center for Applied Network Analysis (CANA) hosts a twice monthly, two-hour, lab meeting in which students, post-docs, and faculty present work in progress. Currently there are 30 active members of CANA from six different schools across USC.

Meetings cover a diverse set of topics all pertaining to conducting research using the social network approach. A primary emphasis is to present work in progress so members can present drafts of the research and work out interpretation of findings. Work in progress topics range from how to construct a survey, to methods to increase response rates, and how to manage one’s data.

The center also conducts workshops on technology and techniques for conducting analysis. Recent workshops include basic R, STATNET for network analysis, ERGM and SIENA.

CANA on Github

CANA mailing list


I use social network analysis, health communication, and mathematical models to implement and evaluate health promotion programs designed to prevent tobacco and substance abuse, unintended fertility, and STD/HIV infections. I also engage in mapping community coalitions and collaborations to improve health care delivery and reduce healthcare disparities.

Thomas Valente, PhD
Professor of Population and Public Health Sciences
Director, Center for Applied Network Analysis
Email: tvalente@usc.edu
Phone: (323)442-8238
Thomas Valente, PhD

Research Projects

The Social Network Study was designed to explore the associations between adolescent peer relationships and group affiliations on the initiation and/or continued use of alcohol and tobacco by adolescents.